Traefik and Cert-manager flow

Secure HTTP access to services with Traefik, Cert-manager and Cloudflare

Before I started working on spinning up my 3-node K3s cluster, I was under the impression that Traefik would be one of the easiest to migrate from my docker setup since it already had some kind of native integration with Kubernetes in terms of available custom resources. Unfortunately this wasn’t the case as with my personal experience. Reading through the custom values yaml file and referring to the available documentation to figure out how the docker configuration compares to when deploying in K8s wasn’t as straightforward as I expected....

Terraform and Ansible control node as LXC container

Re-engineering the Homelab with IaC and Kubernetes: An overview

In relation to my previous post where I mentioned that I will be starting a new journey learning IaC or Infrastructure-as-Code, today I am very happy to record this milestone of finally achieving a stable kubernetes cluster created with the help of Ansible and Terraform. At this time of writing, so far only two services have been migrated from the docker environment into the new K8S cluster. That is my DNS which is also replaced now by AdguardHome (sorry Pihole!...


Replaced Swag with Traefik as my reverse proxy

I’ve been using Swag since I started with self-hosting. It’s been working flawlessly and I never had any issue with it. The only thing is if I wanted to expose a new service to the internet, I would have to configure it manually on a separate file. Swag already comes with the sample configuration files for most of popular services, though, it still felt like a chore I had to do before going to bed....