Low throughput on Proxmox

Troubleshooting low throughput on Proxmox

When I initially spinned up my k8s cluster, I got everything working but I always experienced network disconnects. it turns out it’s due to my NIC. It was quite difficult to notice this or maybe I just really never doubted my hypervisor and the hardware. Eventually I thought of checking the dmesg logs from within proxmox. Sep 29 14:54:58 pve1 kernel: e1000e 0000:00:1f.6 eno1: Detected Hardware Unit Hang: TDH <22> TDT <bb> next_to_use <bb> next_to_clean <22> buffer_info[next_to_clean]: time_stamp <100cb7acb> next_to_watch <23> jiffies <100cb7d99> next_to_watch....

Terraform and Ansible control node as LXC container

Re-engineering the Homelab with IaC and Kubernetes: An overview

In relation to my previous post where I mentioned that I will be starting a new journey learning IaC or Infrastructure-as-Code, today I am very happy to record this milestone of finally achieving a stable kubernetes cluster created with the help of Ansible and Terraform. At this time of writing, so far only two services have been migrated from the docker environment into the new K8S cluster. That is my DNS which is also replaced now by AdguardHome (sorry Pihole!...


Run Pihole in an LXC container in Proxmox

Pihole as our local DNS at home has been working perfectly fine. It blocks almost every ad there is whenever I am browsing. I was initially running it as a docker container within my Unraid server. The problem is every time I would restart Unraid for some experimental work, the internet of the entire house also goes down momentarily. I already tried defining a secondary DNS on my DHCP server but noticed some of my devices would randomly pick a DNS if there are multiple defined....

OPNsense box

Virtualized OPNsense on Proxmox as my homelab router

So this little thing arrived last week. Ever since I got my Unraid box up and running 24/7, I just felt I needed more control over the entire network. This is primarily because my existing home router would randomly drop packets and anyone who has planned to work from our home won’t be able to do so. As for the specs, it’s a fanless appliance running a quad-core Intel 12th-gen J6412 (2 GHz base, 2....