I was finally able to deploy a remote server in my parent’s house with the help of my sister. Guided her to install Debian, connect the LAN, and download a script I created to get tailscale up and running. Once the server was connected to my tailscale network, I was able to ssh from there and do all the remaining configuration. The server is planned for 24/7 uptime and since I only intended this to act as an exit node, I just sourced a cheapo HP T620 Thinclient with 2-cores, 8GB RAM, and 128GB SSD from some online store back home.

When the remote server was all ready and configured together with VNC, I then created an LXC container, installed Deluge, and configured the tailscale client to use the remote server as an exit node.

Tailscale for tunneling torrent

sudo tailscale up --exit-node=<tailscale_ip> --exit-node-allow-lan-access=true

Tailscale for tunneling torrent

Do note that setting “–exit-node-allow-lan-access” to true is required or else you wouldn’t be able to access the Deluge WebUI. This parameter will only recognize the local configured subnet so if your container is sitting inside a different VLAN like mine, then you will also need to configure an outbound NAT rule on your firewall or router. You should configure it in a way that any private local IP (outside the container subnet) that tries to reach your container, should have the Source IP translated to the Vlan interface IP of your router.

Tailscale for tunneling torrent

I am sure there are other better ways to implement this but if you simply need a torrent client with tunneled traffic, then I believe this is the best and simplest it can be done.