Low throughput on Proxmox

Troubleshooting low throughput on Proxmox

When I initially spinned up my k8s cluster, I got everything working but I always experienced network disconnects. it turns out it’s due to my NIC. It was quite difficult to notice this or maybe I just really never doubted my hypervisor and the hardware. Eventually I thought of checking the dmesg logs from within proxmox. Sep 29 14:54:58 pve1 kernel: e1000e 0000:00:1f.6 eno1: Detected Hardware Unit Hang: TDH <22> TDT <bb> next_to_use <bb> next_to_clean <22> buffer_info[next_to_clean]: time_stamp <100cb7acb> next_to_watch <23> jiffies <100cb7d99> next_to_watch....

Kamata Homelab Network Diagram

State of the Network — the first 120 days

The past months have been crazy since the induction of my homelab. There have been so much reading here and there and a bulk of what used to be my idle time has since been allotted to technical research and self-development. My writing has not been able to keep up either because there have been a lot of changes and modifications I’ve been doing from the get-go. The network just reached the fourth month mark and it’s already about to undergo a somewhat major re-design....