Hi, I am Luis. I am currently based in Tokyo and work in the telecommunications industry as an applications engineer. I don’t have much experience in writing code or software development, but I do like making things work.

Content on this website will mostly be about challenges I encounter in my daily tech life (at work or just personal home projects) and how I was able to overcome them. The main intention is to have a wiki for issues that I have already come across, and to log any learning and development. Nevertheless I still hope that, one way or another, the pieces of information in this blog will be useful to someone out there in the sense that it also promotes the use of (and support for) opensource tools.

To give you an idea of what you might find here, below are the topics that I am very interested in:

  • 4G and 5G protocols
  • Virtualization
  • Kubernetes
  • Self-hosting

I hope you find something useful!